News Archives


by Gunther Manske

With the "DAC 6" directive of the EU, which came into force on 25.06.2018, there will be a new reporting obligation for (inter alia) banks and financial service providers from 2020 onwards, insofar as these are involved in any way in the field of such cross-border tax arrangements.

by Benedikt Jäger

Every regulatory measure relies on client master data. Every marketing campaign has been previously filtered based on this data. Managers responsible for both campaigns or regulatory compliance are rarely happy with the quality of this data. But on their own they lack strength, budget or will to thoroughly eliminate the data deficits.

by Luigi Benincasa

The Switzerland Mutual Evaluation Report of December 2016 identified deficiencies regarding the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. Thus, Switzerland is currently in an «enhanced follow-up» process. While our newsletter of September 2018 illustrated the new CDB 2020, we now explain what will change with the new Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance FINMA coming into force as of January 1st 2020.

by Luigi Benincasa

The Switzerland Mutual Evaluation Report of December 2016 requested a follow-up. In this newsletter we illustrate its results and what will change. For CDB we provide a detailed analysis, for AMLO-FINMA we deliver a brief summary as the next newsletter will be dedicated to the new Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance (AMLO-FINMA).

by Oliver Rhodius

This newsletter offers an update regarding the tax changes related to public fund and the impact on the financial industry.